Amazon Books

Today I went to the mall to make a few returns. On my way out I noticed that the Converse store shut down and is now AMAZON BOOKS. Yes, you read that correctly – amazon. First they bought Whole Foods, now they have a book store. What’s next?

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The store is incredible! It’s brand new of course, so it’s very clean and complete with hardwood floors and lighting within the shelves to highlight each and every book cover. Underneath each book is a review from an actual human who reviewed the book online, as well as the average stars the book has been rated. There are four areas where you can price check (or you can use the amazon app) and see what the prime price is vs. regular retail. If you’re an amazon prime member you get the prime price in store – so cool!!


The store isn’t huge, but it’s big enough to find a good read from your pick of multiple genres. The children’s section is the best if you ask me (but I might just be bias since I’m a teacher and that’s practically all I buy anymore). All the books seem to be their best sellers, so you know you’re looking at an amazing curated collection of books that have been reviewed thousands of times by people just like you and me.



Once you’re ready to check out, you can pay by card or with your amazon app – which I did – and it was super quick and easy. I’ll definitely make it a point to go back. I order most of my books online through amazon or scholastic, but it’s nice to look through new books in person before buying and I love that I’m still getting the online price.

Here’s what I purchased today:


One of my favorite children’s books is Dragons Love Tacos, so you could imagine how excited I was when I saw that there is a sequel! It starts off with all of the dragons being sad because there are no more tacos – what a nightmare. They have to go back in time to get the tacos (aka back to the previous book, but avoiding the spicy salsa incident). I won’t ruin the rest of it, but if you’re a fan of the first book you should definitely check out Dragons Love Tacos 2. Rosie Revere Engineer is probably one of the best books I’ve read in awhile. It’s written in rhyme, whimsical illustrations, and a convincing case for why I should quit my teaching job right now and become an engineer. I love the push towards science and mathematics/stem for all students, but especially GIRLS. This book will give little ones the courage to believe in their crazy ideas and most importantly, themselves. I definitely recommend buying this one for your students, kids, or a friend.


I’ve been wanting to read Eleanor & Park for quite some time, but just never got around to it. It was in the section titled “Young Adult Books You Must Read in Your Lifetime,” so obviously I had to buy it! I’m finishing up an autobiography right now called An Unquiet Mind, but I’ll be sure to read this one next. Let me know if you have any other summer reading recommendations. I’m trying to read as many books as possible this year!

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